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[Music] [Computers]

Music; all about Music

 \Mu"sic\, n. [F. musique, fr. L. musica, Gr. ? (sc. ?),
        any art over which the Muses presided, especially music,
        lyric poetry set and sung to music, fr. ? belonging to Muses
        or fine arts, fr. ? Muse.]
        1. The science and the art of tones, or musical sounds, i.
           e., sounds of higher or lower pitch, begotten of uniform
           and synchronous vibrations, as of a string at various
           degrees of tension; the science of harmonical tones which
           treats of the principles of harmony, or the properties,
           dependences, and relations of tones to each other; the art
           of combining tones in a manner to please the ear.

     Music. The world without music would be dull, and boring. So lets take
music, and date it back.......

     Music dates back; too far back for anyone to imageine. Music came along
before writing, which the Sumarians invented, in about 3600 BC. The very first
type of music was vocal; Men shouting to each other and automatically altering
their pitch. The people, ages and ages ago, might finally discover it. By
accidently hitting a rock against something else, and producing a ringing
sound. Or, perhaps, a hollow tree trunk, which makes a sound that might warn
for danger. Discovering a shell, and by blowing into it, it would produce a 
rich, hollow sound. The earliest musical instruments, were as following:

Grass: By holding a blade of thick grass between the thumbs, and blowing,
it will reveal a high pitched sound. This was perhaps the origin of the reed
instrument today, such as a clarinet, or saxophone.

Bamboo: A hollow, or split bamboo stick, would create a series of tones, when
the wind would blow through them.

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